Media Group: Media and Mass Communications
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Parent Work Title
The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England
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Vox Regis
Vol. I: part I
Parent Work Title
The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England
Image Title
Civil war figures against a backdrop portrait of James I
Vol. I: part I
Parent Work Title
Highway robbery: 20 guineas reward.
Image Title
Highway Robbery
Parent Work Title
Friendly advice to the industrious poor: Receipts for making soups
Image Title
Friendly advice to the industrious poor
Parent Work Title
Life, trial, behaviour and awful execution of Miss M.A.Wilson, 21, who was executed at Lancaster on Monday morning last, for the murder and robbery of Mrs Smith, her aged mistress.
Image Title
Life, Trial, Behaviour and Awful Execution of Miss M.A.Wilson
Image Title
Owdum weddin, or Johnny Green's description of Manchester College
1 sheet
Parent Work Title
Miscellaneous Autograph Collection
Image Title
Description of a slave ship
Image Title
Murder of eleven women in the West Indies
Parent Work Title
Murder of eleven women in the West Indies
Reference Number
Henry J. Wilson Anti-Slavery Collection /R107337.21.44
Date Created
Parent Work Title
Phrenology, and mesmeric biology, the legible hand writing of the Almighty on the cranium, intended for the guidance of his creatures : Mr. J. S. Butterwoth, phrenologist, &c. begs msot respectfully to inform the lovers of knowledge and free inquiry that he will deilver lectures at [blank] First lecture ... Second lecture ... Third lecture ... Fourth lecture ... The company will be enlightened by the instructive lectures, and entertained by the interesting experiments. A magneto electric machine will be in the room to increase the amusement, and the magnesium wire light will be exhibited.
Image Title
Phrenology and mesmeric biology
Parent Work Title
Life in London: or,The day and night scenes of Jerry Hawthorne, esq., and his elegant friend Corinthia Tom, accompanied by Bob Logic, the Oxonian, in their rambles and sprees through the metropolis.
Image Title
Midnight. Tom and Jerry at a coffee shop near the Olympic
Parent Work Title
A compleat discourse of wounds both in general and particular: whereunto are added the severall fractures of the skull, with their variety of figures. As also a treatise of gunshot-wounds in general. Collected and reduced into a new method by John Brown, and approved and allowed by his Majestie’s chief chirurgeons; and may be of singular use to all practitioners in the art of chirurgery.
Image Title
Illustration of head wounds
Parent Work Title
The history of Dick Whittington, Lord Mayor of London; with the adventures of his cat
Image Title
Unfolded chapbook
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Nursery poems from the ancient and modern poets
8: Nursery poems from the ancient and modern poets
Image Title
Nursery poems from the ancient and modern poets
8: Nursery poems from the ancient and modern poets
Parent Work Title
The book of beasts, for young persons
Parent Work Title
The book of beasts, for young persons
Image Title
Unfolded chapbook
Parent Work Title
Old Mother Hubbard and her dog
Image Title
Unfolded chapbook
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